Company founders, Mitch Read & Leon Lloyd have a collective 20+ years of experience in (1) elite professional sport as well as (2) in talent acquisition. This combination of knowledge is what makes Centrum Solutions unique; they have walked the same path as the vast majority of their candidates and truly understand how to move them forward with in new career paths. Centrum Solutions work within multiple specialist career sectors, including professional sport and the UK Armed Forces to ensure that when their time in that area comes to an end, that they are equipped and supported in the process of finding a new venture as much is possible.
Whether you have played sport, served in the military or spent time developing your career in the public, private or third sector the chances are at some point you have woken up and asked yourself “where am I heading with my career?”
Well, that is what the concept of Ikigai means and is designed to help you identify where you are in your life right now and take steps to help you achieve Ikigai, that is where we can help you. Having that desire and feeling that drives you to get out of bed in the morning can be the difference between the feeling of having a job or having a purpose and sense of fulfilment.
The idea of is that…
You find the thing that you LOVE doing.
Ask if it’s something that the world NEEDS.
Work out what you need to get PAID.
Make sure it’s something you’re GOOD at.

Approaching a change in circumstances? Let’s have a chat & help you find your Ikigai.
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