FutureSmart supports career transition/progression by identifying appropriate routes and helping obtain the necessary qualifications. They have worked mostly with professional sportspersons and those exiting the military, whose careers are time-limited, but also with those reaching a glass ceiling through lack of qualifications.
Their Post Graduate Course at level 7 provides clients with the skills to access and succeed on masters courses without an undergraduate degree. Not only this, but FutureSmart offer a bespoke service with 1:1 tutor support at low cost, and negotiate with universities or course providers on clients’ behalf.
We’re so proud to be partnered with FutureSmart as they enable us to further support and prepare our prospective athlete and military candidates on their next career move.
“FutureSmart was established to assist professional sportspersons recognise their experience and attributes and give them opportunities to transfer them to succeed in a future career. We believe this accords fully with the values of Centrum Solutions, with whom we are pleased to be associated.”
Geraint Davies MD. FRCS, CEO FutureSmart
At Centrum we see ourselves as being a credible part of the FutureSmart jigsaw and vice versa, working together providing elite athletes with the opportunity to explore and access the next phase of their lives. As an organsiation, we are committed to helping FutureSmart’s members to fulfil their potential.