One thing we can be certain of in this ever-changing world is change itself. We also know that by planning ahead for different eventualities means you are better prepared for what those future changes might be. At Centrum Solutions we work within multiple specialist career sectors, including professional sport to ensure that when their time in that area comes to an end, that they are equipped and supported in the process of finding a new venture as much as possible.
As an athlete one of the biggest transitions you will face is leaving your sport and moving onto your next career. Rather than simply move, we can help you launch into the next phase of your life by helping you leverage your many transferable skills.
The mindset and skills you develop throughout your specialist career are highly sought-after.
You have probably been told you have many transferable skills, but unless you know exactly what they are then what is the point in having them? If you are not aware of how to use those sought-after skills within a different and new environment then they are not transferable and will be wasted. We can help you analyse your passions and existing skills with a view to provide the platform you need to launch into your next career.
The Change Curve
We understand that change is constant that those who are agile enough to adapt are those that are best placed to thrive in uncertain times. Moving jobs or indeed changing careers completely is one of the biggest challenge’s athletes will face in their early careers. Through careful planning, we can help you shallow your own curve and help you remove any uncertainties and find what your next phase might look like.
“Having experienced a career-ending injury myself I thought I was prepared for what was ahead of me, but I was so wrong. I was introduced to the Kubler-Ross Change Curve which highlights 7 potential stages of dealing with a significant change in one’s life.”
– Leon Lloyd, Centrum Solutions Founder –

If you’re keen to involve us in the next stage of your career and let us help you find your Ikigai, then get in touch.